วันเสาร์ที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

A fair deal for producers and consumers alike

Fairtrade helps farmers by paying money for them more than the market price. The Fairtrade programme are a price guarantee with the farming sector doing this to help farmers for disadvantaged farmers. The Germany-based Fairtrade are contract to the farmer to make new product which receives certification under the program. The farmer have nothing to eat the chairman of the Doi Chaang Coffee Group say that they are only sell a good quality of coffee. The company buys the coffee from a farmer at the rate same as the fairtrade set the price. Also the product are available sales at stores and Villa supermarket. Mr.Witoon the cooperative have certification for his product.His product have standard and very good product for customer to choose and buy. In thailand witoon said that it cannot use fairtrade because people have to buy their own product country so it will increase finance to Thailand. Farmer have to use their labor they do very hard work on his job.

In my opinion I think that it is good to have fairtrade because fairtrade help a farmer about the money. Fairtrade don't need to have a middleman. It is good when they don't have middleman because middleman will take money that the farmer earns to be the middleman money. The product of fairtrade are good because it fresh and clean because the farmer really care there product to be heathy for the customer and for their own. I think we have to love farmer because they help everybody to plant rice if we don't have farmer we will not have rice to eat this is the reason why I think fairtrade is good.


herbal Tom Yum Gung Cookies

Miss Pavinee Tanapatpong age of 28 she want to present her bakery shop. She said that she have many delicious menu for customer to choose and eat. Thailand is the most famous dish for all over the world. She said that her Tom Yum Gung Cookies have good smell and they mixing a lots of fish in the cookies. She thinks that Tom Yum Gung Cookies will be the goods product that can import and export to foreigners country. The Tom Yum Gung Cookies taste the best with Thai style coconut ice-cream. They made cookies Tom Yum Gung not to be very spicy because if it spicy a lot foreigner can't eat. They country don't eat spicy food. They use good beans to made their cookies product and the products are good qualities so the customer can make sure that the product are clean and good enough for them to choose and eat. This cookies can be give to older people.

In my opinion I think that Tom Yum Gung Cookies can be famous to other country in the world and I think that this product is good to import and export to other country Tom Yum Gung have spicy taste. I think people who makes Tom Yum Kung Cookies is very craver and I think that is great to have Tom Yum Kung Cookies taste. Also foreigner love to eat Thailand food because their food have cheese hamburger or french fried and it taste to oily not same as Thai food have many kinds of taste example sweet, sour, spicy and salty. I think that Thai food is the most delicious food in the world.


วันจันทร์ที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Making Breakfast Count

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,but American people don't eat enough protein for breakfast . Sometime people didn't eat their breakfast. They only eat breakfast at Saturday and Sunday that is not good because at the morning every body have to working with they brain so every body should eat breakfast every day and eat lots of protein in the morning . If you think that in the morning you don't have things to eat or you don't want to cook food try to buy yogurt or bread or one egg it is OK too. Most of us start out with the 10g of protein for breakfast, another 15 g at lunch and 25g to 30g for dinner.

for me I think that breakfast is very important to me and I have eating breakfast everyday some day I eats lot, but sometime I don't want to eat. The things that I eat is milk and bread these are the things that I like to eat the most at the morning, and I think that breakfast help people to have good brain and its give energy to people. Thai people love to eat soft-boiled rice because it have a lots of benefit it have lots of vitamin in the rice and also mix with shrimp give the energy to people that eat it, so people have a lot of energy to do their job in the morning and they will not feel tried a lot. I think that eating rice at breakfast is very good in rice have vitamin help your brain thinking all day and the most important dishes is in the morning.


THAI obtains Bt8 bn loan from SCB

The Thai Airway International have do a 7 years loan agreement with Siam Commercial Bank
Piyasvasit Amranand says that this loan is the agreement that Siam Commercial Bank and the company's business operations was amended. Thailand look to SCB because Thailand confidence at the bank's have expertise. The executive of SCB said that the Bank policy become the premier Universal Bank serving large corporations. He strong ties between the two company go back more than 30 years.

In my opinion I think that it was good if Thailand have confident that the bank of Thailand is good enough. I think that Thailand bank are very good have money to chair the business and it is good that The Thai Airway International is done contract with Thai bank about 7 years it i the good news.


American arrested for killing Thai and hiding body in luggage

At Phuket have American man age of 37 he kill by stabbing a Thai bar girl and she was dead, and when American man killed the Thai bar girl he leave the girl body to the side of the road at Phuket last June. The American man his name is Ronald John Fanell. The police take Ronald to the victim the police say that he have cell phone and sim card and have some murder weapon . He say that he love Pianjai age 33 who is the Thai bar girl that he starring her die and the police can find her on June 24.This man kill a lot of girl in Thailand but the police can't find him.

In my opinion I think that they have a lot of killing Thai girl very often so I think a police have to do their job by find that man to do the good things not to do the bad things and the police have responsible to take care about Thai people woman walking on the street at the evening because it is too dangerous at the evening have lots of people walk on the street and we also don't know taht kinds of people are good people or bad people so this is responsibility of the police to take care.
