At Phuket have American man age of 37 he kill by stabbing a Thai bar girl and she was dead, and when American man killed the Thai bar girl he leave the girl body to the side of the road at Phuket last June. The American man his name is Ronald John Fanell. The police take Ronald to the victim the police say that he have cell phone and sim card and have some murder weapon . He say that he love Pianjai age 33 who is the Thai bar girl that he starring her die and the police can find her on June 24.This man kill a lot of girl in Thailand but the police can't find him.
In my opinion I think that they have a lot of killing Thai girl very often so I think a police have to do their job by find that man to do the good things not to do the bad things and the police have responsible to take care about Thai people woman walking on the street at the evening because it is too dangerous at the evening have lots of people walk on the street and we also don't know taht kinds of people are good people or bad people so this is responsibility of the police to take care.