วันเสาร์ที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Pageants for pretty girls _ even porky ones _ are still a big hit in Thailand

This is the picture of Miss Thailand World gang. They are pretty and they are beautiful. Some of Miss Thailand World have already competition at Miss teen Thailand,Miss Thailand Earth,Miss Thailand Chinese. They think it good to go to competition every the festival that are open at Thailand they say they will have a lots of experience and they can work well when they are going to competition they will be not fear and shy. At Thailand when people can won the competition they have to be beautiful, craver, can answer the question that people ask them, have a things that show they have thinking or the things that they have and not same as another people can do.

I my opinion I think that it is good for the beautiful people in Thailand to have competition about Miss Thailand World or Miss Thailand Earth or what ever. Because I think that Thai people not have to be only beautiful but we have to be a craver people that can answer everything and clear.


Scene uncut, New bags, Not sidelined, F-Book scrap

This picture show the woman that have a sexy clothes. The firm is the story name Namtarndang the whole of the story of the movie are sex all the story, but Mr Pracha the director of Namtarndang movie said that sex is the natural of life to have sex. The director was sick at Cheing Mai and the scene have to cut a little because the director have to treat himself for his disease. The watching people doesn't want the producer to do the movie that have a sex all the story because today children are watching television and watch a movie same the adult do but they don't have good think same as the adult they will do things same as the actor of the movie do.

In my opinion I think that it is bad to made the movie that always about sex because today children watch television with they parents and they is children they can't think that what is can do and what they cannot do because they are a children. It is very important that when television program will show the movie they have to open not 18 years old or late can watch or what ever.


dtac New BlackBerry lowest price for Smartphone lovers

This picture is a blackberry Curve that DTAC Company are sell the prices for two blackberry models. The blackberry Curve now DTAC have a new package and everybody can buy very simple because today DTAC have 0 percentage of the interest for ten months do everything to works already. So it is very simple to consumer to buy new blackberry but they have to buy in August only because their is a promotion in August to September 30 only. This loan are only available with DTAC service only.

In my opinion I think that it is good for everybody that wants to buy new blackberry because now a money is find very hard and if everybody buy from DTAC it will not include the interest for ten months so it help people that have little money now so they can find the money for pay back to DTAC faster.


PM to visit China in September

Abhisit Vejjajiva the Priminister of Thailand go to china on September 4. Abhisit go to China because of the made of project about new high-speed train in Thailand they have plan to make high speed train at Thailand. China and Thailand is operating about new train at Thailand. They think that if Thailand have new hi speed train Thailand will be technology country. The finance Ministry is study for the information and details about Transport and Technology.

In my opinion I think that it is good that Thailand will have a hi speed train but I think today Thailand have many technology to use because Thailand have BTS and MRT already and I think if Thailand have hi speed train it will be traffic jam and people who drive to work will be not happy and can get angry easily.


Updates on three film festivals, in Bangkok and elsewhere

This is the film festival that Thailand create to fine the group of people who will win the competition at short film. They have competition for every year and this year have competition in month August at the auditorium of the Bangkok. They find and open the firm that people that want to come competition the firm should be short and can easily understand what people want to express about. The firm can be any of topic for example political or something else. Next week they will show what group of people won the competition and will give a result.

In my opinion I think that it is good to have firm competition because people that have the thinking in making the firm and entertainment is very good have to made the good firm to everybody in Thailand watch and I think it is good it they can made good firm that have the good thingson it to the firm so that it will teach children to understand and do the same with the movie actor do. They have many benefit in this competition festival example if the people that made the movie and won they will have money to send to they family or use the money for their own education that is very important to the children today. The children must to learning and have a good thinking.


Rain, Grain and Greens

The farmer says that this year the rain comes very late and when it come to late the farmer can't grow plants and vegetable enough so they have no income to there family. When the rains come the farmer is very happy they grow the vegetables and sells to have money for their family someday they are no rains the farmer have to prays that rain fall down please because if their was no rain the plant will not growth and vegetable will die and they will have no money. The farmer also think the new menu that made from good vegetable. When people eat it will be good for their healthy because they use natural not keep insecticide on it.

In my opinion I think I so sad about the rain comes late because the farmer will have no money to give their family. I think that it is good to eat natural food because the farmer of Thailand is very good thinking they not use insecticide on it so when people eat it good for people health vegetable have a lots of vitamins and minerals people should eat vegetable everyday to have a good health. Thai people also love eating thai fish name is Pratu it is a kinds of fish that is delicious and have omega 3 on it you will crever when you eat fish.


วันศุกร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553


In this picture shows the people that sit and wearing a white shirt and white pans they are coming to Wat Mahadhatu. They come to stay at this temple for seven days until August 28 to do a treat sitting Vipassana they have to be quiet and have attention not talk to ther people and they have to closing their eyes sometime to get attention the speaker will speak and teach how to have attention and how to learn good and memorize things easily by don,t need to read book so much. The speaker said that if you want to learn good you had to have good memorize so you can remember what you hear.

In my opinion I thinks that it is very good for people to do Vipassana bacause it will treat you to be a very good control you to not easily angry with every thing so you will think only positive and you will think very little negative of people that you know. Last year I also go to Vipassana same as this picture I go for three days and I think when I finish the day three of Vipassana I look happy because the speakers treat me only the good things. Every day they have to wake up very early to prays and eating and when the evining they have to eat dinner before 6 o clock. I think this is good for me.
