วันศุกร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553


In this picture shows the people that sit and wearing a white shirt and white pans they are coming to Wat Mahadhatu. They come to stay at this temple for seven days until August 28 to do a treat sitting Vipassana they have to be quiet and have attention not talk to ther people and they have to closing their eyes sometime to get attention the speaker will speak and teach how to have attention and how to learn good and memorize things easily by don,t need to read book so much. The speaker said that if you want to learn good you had to have good memorize so you can remember what you hear.

In my opinion I thinks that it is very good for people to do Vipassana bacause it will treat you to be a very good control you to not easily angry with every thing so you will think only positive and you will think very little negative of people that you know. Last year I also go to Vipassana same as this picture I go for three days and I think when I finish the day three of Vipassana I look happy because the speakers treat me only the good things. Every day they have to wake up very early to prays and eating and when the evining they have to eat dinner before 6 o clock. I think this is good for me.


