The farmer says that this year the rain comes very late and when it come to late the farmer can't grow plants and vegetable enough so they have no income to there family. When the rains come the farmer is very happy they grow the vegetables and sells to have money for their family someday they are no rains the farmer have to prays that rain fall down please because if their was no rain the plant will not growth and vegetable will die and they will have no money. The farmer also think the new menu that made from good vegetable. When people eat it will be good for their healthy because they use natural not keep insecticide on it.
In my opinion I think I so sad about the rain comes late because the farmer will have no money to give their family. I think that it is good to eat natural food because the farmer of Thailand is very good thinking they not use insecticide on it so when people eat it good for people health vegetable have a lots of vitamins and minerals people should eat vegetable everyday to have a good health. Thai people also love eating thai fish name is Pratu it is a kinds of fish that is delicious and have omega 3 on it you will crever when you eat fish.