This is the photo of elephant in Assarnha Bucha day. The elephant run in 4 years before this year. It running for the event Tak Bat Bon Lang Chang. People are giving the elephant the food and also people give the food and drinks for monk too but the food are not tastes good enough because the people who are given monk and elephant food are mixxing the food and water by not separate it so it is bad to monk and the elephant to eant because it is the reason why the elephant is stomaches after running and eating the food that people are given.
In my opinion I think that the animal have life same as people when you giving something for they to eat you have to think that if you were a elephant can youeat this kinds of food if the answer is no you have to change the food because elephant is same as you It will get deseases.
same as a monk you have to think that if were you can you eat is you can't eat you have to change food that is good enough for them to eat.