This picture show the woman that have a sexy clothes. The firm is the story name Namtarndang the whole of the story of the movie are sex all the story, but Mr Pracha the director of Namtarndang movie said that sex is the natural of life to have sex. The director was sick at Cheing Mai and the scene have to cut a little because the director have to treat himself for his disease. The watching people doesn't want the producer to do the movie that have a sex all the story because today children are watching television and watch a movie same the adult do but they don't have good think same as the adult they will do things same as the actor of the movie do.
In my opinion I think that it is bad to made the movie that always about sex because today children watch television with they parents and they is children they can't think that what is can do and what they cannot do because they are a children. It is very important that when television program will show the movie they have to open not 18 years old or late can watch or what ever.